These short motivational quotes can also be used successfully on social media. There are short motivational quotes for children, motivational quotes for life, short motivational quotes and much more. Discover them below and choose the ones that will have the biggest impact for you and the people you are looking for.

When you need encouragement or you want to encourage a loved one or a friend to move on, a few short motivational quotes can work wonders. So here is our collection of short motivational quotes from which to choose the ones that suit you or that you think would motivate the person you want to send them to.

Positive and inspirational motivational quotes

Never give up, always go forward even with small steps, it doesn’t matter as long as you get closer and closer to the goal you set for yourself every day. Discipline often makes the difference between those who have a dream and those who have a dream and turns it into reality. It’s less about talent than about the ability to always move forward, no matter how many obstacles you encounter along the way. When you want to motivate yourself or someone to keep their direction and not give up, here are some short quotes to motivate and inspire you.

1. The key to success is to start before you are ready. – Marie Forleo

2. You will never meet this day again, so make it count.
3. Write in your heart that every day is the best day of the year. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
4. You’re too smart to be the only thing in your way.
5. Keep your focus, don’t let anyone or anything influence your mood or demotivate you
6. A good attitude today turns into a good day, which becomes a good month, which then turns into a life Hi. – Mandy Hale
7. Overcome doubts and do not let yourself be stopped by fears
8. Coffee in one hand, self-confidence in the other hand. That’s how I want you !!
9. Whatever you do today, do it with the self-confidence that a 4-year-old has in a Batman costume. : 0
10. Think on a large scale, trust yourself and make what you set out to happen happen.
11. Don’t doubt yourself, work hard and turn your dream into reality.
12. The right attitude makes the difference
13. It doesn’t matter how you feel. Get up, get dressed, move forward and never give up.
14. A positive attitude will get you through the mountains
15. Staying optimistic in a negative situation is not naivety. And leadership.
16. Those who wonder if the glass is half empty or half full have not understood how things really are. The glass can be filled.

Short but compelling motivational quotes

You don’t need long speeches or whole books to give a positive impetus and motivate someone. There are many short but powerful and compelling motivational quotes through which you can increase your inspiration and motivation. Below are some of our inspirational but short quotes that we use successfully both for ourselves and when we want to motivate our life partner, child, friends.

17. Do not give up, do not take anything personal and do not accept not in response. – Sophia Amoruso
18. Today is an opportunity to build the day you want tomorrow. – Ken Poirot
19. Where you will be in a year is the reflection of what you choose to do right now.
20. If they tell you it’s impossible, it means it’s impossible for them, not for you.
21. You lose 100% of the chances you don’t use. – Wayne Gretzky
22. Nothing is worth more than today. – Goethe
23. Nobody ever drowned in his own sweat. – Ann Landers – No one has ever drowned in their own sweat.
24. The greatest victory in life is not to never fail. But get up every time you fail. – Nelson Mandela
25. Every achievement starts with the decision to try. – John F. Kennedy
26. Don’t wait. The timing will never be perfect. – Mark Twain
27. Nothing worth getting is easy. – Theodore Roosevelt
28. You may have to fight a battle several times until you win it. – Margaret Thatcher
29. What matters is not necessarily how big the fighting dog is. But how big the fight is. – Dwight Eisenhower. Or the well-known English version of this quote: What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight — it’s the size of the fight in the dog.
30. If you wait for the right time, others will overtake you, who are not waiting for you.
Woody Allen
31. If the opportunity does not knock on the door, build a door. Milton Berle Or the English version of this famous quote If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.
32. Opportunities are like the sunrise, if you wait too long, you miss them. -William Arthur Ward
33. A journey of a thousand miles begins in one step.
34. In order to move the world, we must first set ourselves in motion. – Socrates
35. Do not be afraid of failure. Be afraid to find yourself in the same place next year as today.
36. I know you’re tired. I know you’re emotionally and physically dry. But you have to keep going…
37. Don’t be afraid of failure. Be afraid to find yourself in the same place next year as today.
38. I know you’re tired. I know you’re emotionally and physically dry. But you have to keep going…
39. Take a deep breath. This is just a chapter, it’s not your whole story.
40. You do better than you think. I’m proud of you, go ahead, you’re on the right track!
41. Self-confidence is a super power. Once you start trusting yourself, magical things will start to happen.
42. If you are negative, all you do is make your mission difficult. Maybe life has given you a cactus, but you don’t have to sit on it.

Short motivational quotes for children

Children need to be guided, because they do not have life experience and do not know how to navigate the obstacles of life. Just as adults need coaches to grow and reach their potential, children need more than anyone else guidance, inspiration, and motivational words to help them understand the world around them and find their passions and the right goals for them. For them in particular, I have chosen below several short motivational quotes with which to inspire them when they are confused.

4 3. The moment you want to give up is exactly the moment when you have to keep moving forward!

44. Difficult roads often lead you to wonderful destinations.
45. Sometimes things last. Be patient, stay positive and watch how things go.
46. ​​Stay motivated, what you want will not happen overnight!
47. The most beautiful view comes after the most difficult climb.
48. When everything seems to be against you, remember that airplanes always take off against the wind. – Henry Ford
49. Evil cuts through the rock not because it is strong, but because of perseverance.
50. Little progress day by day accumulates in important results.
51. Those who avoid failure also avoid success. – Robert Kiyosaki
52. Failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of success. – Arianna Huffington
53. Some people dream of what success looks like, while others wake up every morning and make it happen. – Wayne Huizenga
54. A winner is a dreamer who has never given up on his dream. – Nelson Mandela
55. You were born to be a winner, but for that you have to plan to win, prepare to win and expect to win. – Zig Ziglar
56. Strive to progress, not reach perfection.
57. Great achievements are not born from the comfort zone.
58. Success does not happen overnight. Success happens when every day you get better at what you do than the day before. Everything is added. – Dwayne Johnson
59. Discipline is the bridge between goals and their achievement. – Jim Rohn
60. Being disciplined means choosing between what you want now and what you want most. – Abraham Lincoln
61. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or can’t do. Do what you want to do and be who you want to be! – Emma Watson, actress
62. Never worry about the distance between your dreams and reality. If you can dream that, you can do it later. – Belva Davis
63. Most of those who missed what they set out to do did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

Short but compelling motivational quotes

Below are several short motivational quotes in English, which are also translated into Romanian. But we recommend that you use them in English, because they are much more expressive and impactful.

64. Don’t ruin a good today by thinking about a bad yesterday. Let it go. / Don’t let yesterday ruin your day. Let it go!
65. You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will. / You can, you should succeed and, if you are brave enough, you will succeed. – Stephen King
66. Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing. / Always remember that your decision to succeed is the most important thing. – Abraham Lincoln
67. What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail
– Dr. Robert Schuller / What would you try to do if you knew you would not fail –
Dr. Robert Schuller
68. Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right. – Henry Ford / Either you think you can succeed or you think you can’t succeed – you’re right anyway. – Henry Ford
69. Use the talents you possess — for the woods would be silent if no birds sang but the best. Henry Jackson van Dyke / Use your talents – if only the best birds could sing, the forest would be in perfect peace. – Henry Jackson van Dyke
70. Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its survival. / Your fear depends on you 100% to survive.- Steve Maraboli
71. You’re tired and scared. Happens to everyone, okay
Just don’t let your feet stop. – Haruki Murakami / You’re tired and scared. It happens to everyone. But don’t stop. – Haruki Murakami
72. Do the thing you are afraid to do, and the death of fear is certain. / Do the thing you are afraid of and the fear will surely die. – Ralph Emerson
73. The only thing that can stop me, is me. / The only thing that can stop you is yourself.
74. I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse. – Florence Nightingale
75. One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day / A small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day!
76. I love the smell of fresh ambition in the morning. / I like the smell of fresh ambition in the morning.

Short motivational quotes about life

Life comes for each of us with ups and downs. Sometimes the valleys are very deep and it seems that it never ends, that we don’t finish it anymore. Sometimes we don’t even know what the end will be and what direction we are going. In such confusing moments, a few motivational words can work wonders, because it helps you put what is happening to you into a broader perspective. That’s why below are some short motivational quotes about life when you want an impulse to move forward.

77. Nothing that is worthwhile comes without work.
78. Successful people do not have special gifts. I just work hard and succeed because they set out to do so.
79. Remain modest, work hard, and be kind to others.
80. Spread positive vibrations around you
81. Be the energy you want to attract.
82. Don’t adjust to the energy in the room. Influences the energy in the room.
83. Your energy introduces you before you even open your mouth.
84. Don’t be busy, be efficient and productive.
85. There is no elevator that will lead you to success, you have to use the stairs. – Zig Ziglar
These are 85 short motivational quotes to choose from when you need a boost of motivation and inspiration. Inspire those around you but also you with these wise and very strong words about how to move forward and how to find your way in life.