In fact, the man we will be starting to take shape in childhood. The people in our lives then have made a big difference, and we have the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of today’s children. Often, people overlook the great importance that childhood plays in our world. As we grow older, we easily forget how our mind worked as a child and the joy we experienced in the simple things around us.
Below is a collection of famous quote patterns about children and childhood, inspiring, wise and enchanting, gathered from a variety of sources and good for various texts and text messages.

Quotes about children and childhood

These quotes about children and childhood show the importance of adult involvement and attention in the lives of the little ones, but also how true happiness is manifested in children. Here you will also find quotes about childhood stories.

You know that children grow up when they start asking questions that have answers. John J. Plomp
⭐ I can’t think of any childhood need as strong as my father’s need for protection. Sigmund Freud
⭐ There is a childhood that must be abandoned, there is a childhood that must be healed. Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
⭐ Sometimes you have to grow up before you can appreciate how you grew up. Daniel Black
⭐ In childhood there is always a moment when the door opens and lets in the future. Graham Greene
⭐ Children are the living messages we send in a period we will not see. John F. Kennedy
⭐ Childhood never lasts. But everyone deserves one. Wendy Dale
⭐ The child continues not with the old age or with the mature age of the parents, but with his own childhood. David Emile Durkheim
⭐ Aging is mandatory; growing is optional. Chili Davis
⭐ The people around me in my childhood were often not the most pleasant,
⭐ Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us because of their innocence and the greater possibilities of their future. Maria Montessori
⭐ In every adult lives the child who was and in every child is the adult who will be. John Connolly
⭐ Nothing becomes as foreign to a person as the world of his childhood, left to him for good. Per Lagerkvist
⭐ Age is a necessary requirement, but insufficient to grow. There are immature old people and they are properly mature young people. Henry Cloud
⭐ Childhood is the most beautiful of all seasons of life. Jerry Smith
⭐ Children have a kind of stupidity, and adults have a different kind. CS Lewis
⭐ There can be no sharper revelation of the soul of a society than the way it treats its children. Nelson Mandela
⭐ Almost all honest truth in the world is made by children. Oliver Wendell Holmes
⭐ Childhood ends when other people’s tears become more unbearable for you than yours. Philip Roth
If you carry your childhood with you, you will never get older. Tom Stoppard
The soul heals with children. Fyodor Dostoevsky
⭐ Childhood is not from birth to adulthood. A child will grow up and let the children have fun. Childhood is a realm where no one dies. Edna St. Vincent Millay
⭐ It takes courage to grow and become who you really are. EE Cummings
⭐ Children make your life important. Erma Bombeck
⭐ Contemplating childhood is like contemplating a beautiful region as you walk back; one becomes truly aware of the beauty at that moment, when it begins to disappear. Soren Kierkegaard

but that was the kind of “strengthening.” Leonardo DiCaprio
⭐ Great people often have unhappy childhoods. Dmitri Medvedev

Quotes about childhood and education

Some of us have had great childhoods and have been taught the things we need to know in order to be successful as adults. Others, however, did not have the same great start and may have struggled with family relationships that affected the way they moved in the future. The difference, for the most part, is education, and these quotes about childhood and education are a clear demonstration of this.

➡️ We need to teach our children to dream with open eyes. Harry Edwards
➡️ Children need to be taught how to think, not what to think. Margaret Mead
➡️ A child rarely needs to speak well to listen well. Robert Brault
➡️ He who does not remember his own childhood is not a good educator. Friedrich Nietzsche
➡️ The child arrives for his parents after the education he receives: reward or punishment. John Petit-Senn
➡️ And yet it must be acknowledged that the books I read in adulthood could not be compared in the power of influence on my conscience with those I read as a child. Diana Setterfield
➡️ Children need role models rather than critics. Joseph Joubert
➡️ Don’t handicap your children by making their lives easier. Robert A. Heinlein
➡️ Education is the organized defense of adults against children. Mark Twain
➡️ It’s easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. Frederick Douglas
➡️ Even though people are still very young, they should not be prevented from saying what they think. Anne Frank
➡️ As we try to teach our children about life, our children teach us about life. Angela Schwindt
➡️ It’s easier to leave money to children than education. Valeriu Butulescu
Children learn more from what you are than from what you teach. WEB DuBois
➡️ One of the wonderful lessons I remember that my father constantly emphasized in our family when I was little was, “Use your research.” That is, use your ingenuity and initiative. He taught us that we are not victims of the circumstances around us, but rather the masters of our own destiny. Stephen Covey
➡️ For every child – dream of a world where you can laugh, dance, sing, learn, live in peace and be happy. Malala Yousafzai
➡️ Any education can hurt, but first of all explain to the child what “NO” means. Teodor Dume
➡️ Children are likely to live up to what you think of them. Lady Bird Johnson
➡️ If you want your kids to be smart, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be smarter, read more fairy tales. Albert Einstein
➡️ The most effective education for a child is to play with beautiful things. Plato
➡️ Children will listen to you after they feel listened to. Jane Nelsen
➡️ Growing up, my parents were my heroes in the way they led their lives. Chris Hemsworth
➡️ The hour of the child’s birth is the hour of the beginning of education. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
➡️ Those who educate children are more worthy of honor than those who give them life; therefore, in addition to life, give children the art of living well, educating them. Aristotle
➡️ You are the bows from which your children are sent as living arrows. Kahlil Gibran
➡️ I found the best way to give advice to your children – it is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it. Harry S. Truman
Invest in your child’s education and not in the home you leave behind. Teodor Dume

Quotes about happy childhood

It is important to understand where you came from and the impact your childhood had on growing up. But it is also important to know that as an adult, you should not allow your childhood things to control your future. In this paragraph you will find examples of quotes about happy childhood:

😄 I don’t miss my childhood, but I miss the way I found pleasure in the little things, even while the bigger things were falling apart. I couldn’t control the world I was in, I couldn’t get away from things or people or moments that hurt me, but I enjoyed the things I liked. Neil Gaiman

😄 It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. Rick Steves

😄 Happy childhood is worth your time. Frank McCourt
😄 Hugs can do a lot of good, especially for children. Diana, Princess of Wales
😄 A happy childhood has ruined many promising lives. Robertson Davies

😄 The best way to make children good is to make them happy.Oscar Wilde

😄 A happy childhood is one of the best gifts parents can give. Mary Cholmondeley
😄 A happy childhood is the pledge of a mature man. Amos Bronson Alcott

😄 I had a happy childhood. Alastair Campbell

😄 My parents are good role models because they worked hard and gave me a happy childhood. Sophie Ellis Bextor

😄 Children will not remember you for the material things you provided, but for the feeling that you valued them. Richard L. Evans

😄 A happy childhood is perhaps the luckiest gift of a lifetime. Dorothy Richardson
😄 I feel so grateful to my mother and father for a happy childhood. There are things that I now understand that they could offer me, that are very special. Tom Hiddleston
😄 I grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia, and one of the things I love to say is that one of the biggest obstacles I had to becoming a successful writer was having a very happy childhood. Anna Quindlen
😄 I’ve always been a little different. I had a very happy childhood, but I could never hold on to my colleagues. Gary Numan
😄 Children are not only innocent and curious, but also optimistic and cheerful and, in essence, happy. They are, in short, everything their adults want to be. Carolyn Haywood
😄 In the happiest childhood memories, our parents were happy too. Robert Breault

😄 If you had a happy childhood, no one can take that from you. Agatha Christie

😄 Children are magical because they are looking for her. Christopher Moore

😄 One of the luckiest things that can happen in your life is, I think, having a happy childhood. Agatha Christi

Quotes about play and childhood

Such quotes about childhood games can be very inspiring. They can say a lot about a future adult and show that growing up is something that happens to all of us, only at different times and in different ways. Appreciate these quotes about play and childhood!

As a child, I thought that a book is a plant from a wonderful land, because it has leaves and a spine. The thick, multi-leafed book is wood. A thin book without pictures – it’s grass, and with pictures – it’s a flower. Nadya Yasminska

🌞 As a child, it seemed so easy to build a house, 2 chairs and a blanket were enough. M. Zhvanetsky
Nadya Yasminska

🌞 Childhood is when you go to bed with a toy and make it feel comfortable. L. Izmailov
🌞 A small doll is enough for a child’s play, while an old man does not have a toy worth five hundred francs. Why
🌞 Manicure, makeup, pedicure, solarium, hair removal… And as a child, to become a beautiful woman, it was enough to put tights on your head and convince everyone that they are mowed. Keller Helen

🌞 No book gives us the same pleasure as those we read as children, because it promised a simple and clear life. Graham Greene
🌞 Remember how we ran as children and the wind blew in our hands, as if we had wings. You run and it looks like you’re about to get off the ground, but something didn’t work out. Ray Bradbury

🌞 We keep our childhood drawings, but we throw away our childhood dreams. Where is the logic?
From my barefoot childhood I learned an amazing ability to enjoy everything around me and to perceive this cruel world as a box of sand. Petr Kvyatkovsky
Because he lost his childhood spirit. Georges Bernanos

🌞 Remember your childhood. It’s snowing outside, it’s blizzard, you’ll be wrapped in a jacket and carried on a sleigh with bags full of tangerines and sweets on your lap. Victor Pelevin

🌞 Childhood is a very scary thing. I wanted to be an astronaut. But astronauts no longer fly to the moon. Raymond Velkoro

🌞 Childhood is when the seat is a locomotive, a plane and a boat. John Bradshaw

🌞 I don’t know how they appear in the eyes of the world, but I see myself as a child playing on the seashore, sometimes rejoicing when I find smooth pebbles or beautiful and unusual shells, while the great ocean of truth stretches unknown in my girl. Isaac Newton

🌞 Play is the most natural method of self-healing that childhood offers. Erik Erikson

🌞 Those who lose their childhood games should not be surprised by the pressures of their lives. Elena Benedetta Croce
🌞 The imitation comic is relatively difficult to understand as long as we do not take into account the childish moment. For imitation is the supreme art of the child and the impetus of most of his games. The child’s ambition is not so much to distinguish himself from his peers, but especially to imitate adults. Sigmund Freud