We often associate God with the happy times we live in, but most of all He shows us when we are burdened. Whether you want to know how well-known personalities of the world see God, or if you want to get some inspiration to express your thoughts, we hope that these quotes and wise words about God will help you!
Quotes about God because God is, for most of us, joy, love, and hope, which we always seek around us.
Quotes about God
Just as every day is more beautiful with a smile, so every moment is more beautiful when we remember God. Over time, famous and learned people have spoken about Who God is, so we now have thousands of works on this subject, such as the following quotations from God.
1. God does not send despair to kill us, but to awaken in us a new life. – Hermann Hesse
2. Man prays to God to get him out of trouble and God prays to man to let go of sin. Now judge for yourselves, whoever hears first, God of man or man of God
– Unknown
3. Whether you believe in God or not, he lives as if God existed.
4. Nowhere and never did Christ ask us to be fools. He calls us to be kind, gentle, honest, humble in heart, but not stupid. – Fr. Nicolae Steinhardt
5. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. – John 3:16
6. In philosophy, the existence of God is demonstrated by the natural use of reason, while in theology, thinking learns about the nature of God and applies dialectics to the data of revelation accepted by faith. – Aristides
Short quotes about God
The older we get, the less time it seems to become less and less, especially for the things that really matter. Often, we postpone or cancel plans, ignore thoughts or stress, knowing that what we want is not in the program. Because we know these things, we have prepared these short quotes about God so that even when time does not seem to be on your side, you can enjoy the dose of inspiration or information you need.
7. Since I am afraid of God, I am no longer afraid of anything. – Unknown
8. God works miracles when one participates with one’s heart in the pain of another. – Pious Paisie Aghioritul
9. God makes a road where you see a wall.
10. God, in whom you say you do not believe, believes in you. – Nicolae Steinhardt
11. I am interested in what God thinks. The rest are details. – Albert Einstein
12. We must empty ourselves of the full self in order for a little God to enter us. –Unknown
13. Love is the wing given by God to the soul to ascend to it. – Michelangelo Buonarroti
14. God does not forget those who look at themselves and think of others. “Blessed Augustine.”
15. God’s love for the greatest sinner is greater than the love of the greatest saint for God. – Unknown
16. More than God, I fear the absence of God. – Unknown
17. If God closes a door for you, He actually opens a window for you.
18. God always gives us a second chance at life. – Paulo Coelho
19. Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous. – Albert Einstein
20. God dwells not in force, but in righteousness. – FM Dostoevsky
21. Life with God does not mean lack of trials, but peace when you go through trials.
Quotes with God
Joy, sorrow, enthusiasm, patience, anxiety, or gratitude, along with all the other feelings felt by each person, were often directed toward the divinity, either in the form of a thank you or a request. God is, in the lives of most of us, the One who finds out all the desires, failures or hopes, being often the ideal that encourages us to be better every day. Thus, we hope that the following quotes will remind you of the goodness that surrounds you.
22. God maketh the sun to rise, and the cloudy days, and the days of good and bad: and the days of righteous man, and of unworthy days. – Unknown
23. If I believe in God and He does not exist, I have not lost anything. But if I do not believe that He really exists, then I have lost everything. – Blaise Pacal
24. God made everything for you, so do everything for Him. – Saint John of Kronstadt
25. Coincidence is God’s pseudonym when he does not want to sign. – Anatole France
26. We can never reach God, but the courage to travel to Him remains important. – Unknown
27. When the righteousness of God returns upon us, the time of payment or atonement has come. Atonement is not a punishment from God, but a means of wisdom, a more severe correction. And because the justice of God always keeps the balance between deed and reward, we can even speak of the law of justice, as a merciful law, by which we cleanse ourselves from the stains of evil deeds. At the time of atonement, when the hardships come upon us, if we endure them willingly, not wandering around, God helps us; and if we do not want to receive what comes over us, because we do not understand them, God does not help us, even though He would have wanted to. – Unknown
Quotes about God and love
Love is the feeling that every person will feel every day, the one that we will all look for wherever we are. It brings us joy, peace, contentment, patience and hope, all that can be more beautiful for any of us. Since we all know love, we can all know the source of love, God, which is why we have prepared the following quotations about God and love.
28. You don’t see the mat as an ant and a mosquito and a fly, a little jivina, she wants to save her life. Run, run, be careful not to kill her. But man, who is the image and likeness of God, how precious is his life before the heavenly Father.
29. A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
30. Let us love one another; for love is of God. And whosoever loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He who does not love has not known God; because God is love. – The Holy Gospel of John, chapter 1
31. God is love.
32. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength”; here is the first commandment. And the second is this: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” – The Holy Gospel of Mark, chapter 12, verse 30
33. People need to be known in order to be loved. God must be loved in order to be known. – Blaise Pascal
34. Life is God’s gift to us. The way we live it is the gift we give to God. – Michelangelo Buonarroti
35. The sun and the flowers are two voices in which you hear the love of the Lord.
36. Every work done with love and an open heart always brings a person closer to God.
37. Faith is, after all, the power to love. – Unknown
38. It is precisely the inability to understand Him in its entirety that makes us understand God in all His greatness. – Tertullian
39. Love and humility are heavy for the devil and light for man. – The pious Paisie Aghioritul
40. Even though I speak in tongues and in angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries, and all knowledge; even though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And even if I share all my wealth for the food of the poor, even if I give my body to be burned, and I have no love, it is of no use to me. Long-suffering love; love is benevolent, love does not envy, does not boast, does not boast. Love does not behave improperly, does not seek its own, does not become angry, does not think evil. He does not rejoice over injustice, but rejoices over the truth. He suffers them all, believes them all, hopes them all, endures them all. Love never falls. – I Corinthians 13
Quotes nothing without God
Being aware of the joys we have in life, of the moments of happiness, of our loved ones, and of every opportunity we receive may be the perfect time to remember that we must thank God for them. To inspire you and motivate you to be grateful for what is most beautiful in your life, I have composed this collection of quotes with God.
41. Nothing is lost as long as faith stands, as long as the soul does not abdicate and the head rises again.
42. To be near or far from God depends only on man, for God is everywhere.
43. There is more assurance than trust in God
When man entrusts himself to God, he always receives “super” gas from God, and his spiritual car never stops, but always runs. As much as you can, remember, pray and entrust yourself to God, and He will help you in every way. Simplify your life with complete trust in God, to get rid of stress and anxiety.
44. God is the beginning, the middle, and the end of all good.
45. God without us remains all God. We are nothing without God.
46. Without God, man remains a poor rational and talkative animal, coming from nowhere and going nowhere.
47. Happiness without God is an artificial flower, it imitates true happiness, but it has no life. – Ana Haz
48. Just as a child suffers when he moves away from his mother, so too does a man suffer and suffer when he moves away from God.
Quotes to thank God
Regardless of a person’s religion, each of us has at least once felt the joy of waking up in the morning, aware that we have a new opportunity to do things as well as we can. For many of us, this joy and contentment is directed toward God. Knowing how important it is to be grateful for every beautiful moment in life is a special lesson we learn every day. To remind you how beautiful and reassuring it is to express your gratitude, we have prepared these quotes of thanksgiving to God.
49. If we thanked God for what He did for us, we would not have time to complain. – Richard Wurmbrand
50. Thank God when the wind is favorable at sea it is not special; But thank him when there is a storm, then true gratitude is shown.
51. What can God do with our thanks, when we only show dissatisfaction with His deeds
– St. John of Kronstadt
52. Thank God for always giving me a second chance to do things better than the first time. – Winston Churchill
53. God has given you 86,400 seconds today. You used one to say “thank you”
– William George Ward
54. Satisfaction comes when we understand that what God gives us is better than what we want.
55. There are men who criticize God for putting thorns on the stems of roses; others thank him for putting roses on the thorny stems.
56. Thou hast turned my mourning into joy, thou hast loosed my sackcloth, and hast girded me with joy, that my heart may sing unto thee, and not be silent. Lord God, I will always praise You! Psalm 30
57. Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! To offer sacrifices of thanksgiving to Him and to proclaim His works with shouts of joy. – Psalm 107