When you are far away or far away, love seems to be even stronger. And you want to tell her how much you miss her. For these moments, we have prepared several messages of love and longing for you as beautiful and expressive as possible. You can send them to your phone, or via SMS, Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger. When you love, even an hour away from your loved one can seem like an eternity. We want to be always together, to look at each other, to know him / her closely. 

But don’t forget that these messages of love and longing are appropriate for the moment of your relationship. Choose the one that best expresses where you are in your love. If you choose a message of love and longing that says he / she is all for you but you are still very, very early in the relationship, you may be scared of your partner. To think that you are too dependent on him. If you choose a message of too little expressiveness, it may seem that you do not care enough about it.

But don’t worry, this won’t happen if you choose from the messages below. Read them and choose it or combine several sentences from them so that they express exactly what you want. He or she will surely be moved and moved by your statement and message from the heart.

Sad messages of love and longing

You love, but the object of your love is not near you. And you suffer because you are not together. There is no man who has not suffered from love and longing. It is unbearable but there is no love without sadness and without suffering. What can you do in such a situation? You feel the need to send him a message of love and longing.

We have prepared some sad messages of love and longing for the moments when the days seem to be getting longer and longer and it seems that you will never see each other again and hug each other.

1. There is not a moment in the day when I do not think about you and do not miss you very much.

2 . Every part of me misses you and wants to be by my side.

3 . I should have held you much longer and tighter in my embrace the last time we saw each other… I miss you. I love you 🙂

4. I miss you. Your voice, your smile, your perfume. I miss your hug, your jokes. The way you make me feel. I miss you completely.

5. I would love to love you instead of missing you…

6. The longer I wait for you, the sweeter your kiss will be. ⁇

7. I miss seeing your name on the phone screen…

8. The fact that we are at a distance from each other teaches us how to be together.

9. I miss you most of the night. When it’s all over, it’s quiet and I feel with every cell that I don’t have you by my side.

10. You are somewhat .., in fact :), I lie, you are, all the time 🙂, present in my mind.

11. I know I love you because I miss you before you leave. That I can listen to you all night and I still can’t get enough of hearing your voice. When your name alone is enough to make me shiver. And because I see your smile when I close my eyes.

12. I don’t like waiting. But if that’s what I need to do to be together again at some point, I’ll wait as long as it takes to be with you.

13. When I miss you I reread our old conversations, I listen to the songs that remind me of you and then I miss you even more…

14. The fact that we are far from each other made me appreciate our relationship even more.

15. I miss your touch. I miss you…

16. I want to see you. To hold you in my arms, to hug you, to touch you, to kiss you, to cuddle. And to love you.

17. When I miss you I reread our messages and laugh like an idiot. ⁇

18. I don’t want to miss you at 3 in the morning and send you a message. I want to miss you at 3 in the morning and lie down and kiss you next to me in my sleep.

19. Every time my phone rings I hope it’s you and you miss me.

20. Sometimes I have to stop everything I do, close my eyes and hug you, even if it’s just a hug in my mind.

21. I miss you. Not that I miss you for seeing you for a while, but I miss you because you’re not with me NOW. I love you!

22. A simple hug of yours would be wonderful now… I miss you so much.

23. I want you. I want you to be here with me now. To talk to you. I want to be with you. I want to hug you. I only want you.

24. Even if I spent all day with you, I would miss you the second you left.

25. I miss you more than I can put into words. I love you darling!

26. I’m jealous of every person who sees you today, because I’m not with you… I hope to see you soon. I already miss you.

27. I’m different, maybe crazy. I often live in another dimension. Because I want to live as close as possible to what is really real and authentic. I miss you, you are the most real and authentic of all that can be for me.

Messages of love and longing

The longing for your loved one is not only related to the period of time that has passed since you last saw him. But it is that moment when you enjoy something and you would like that person to be with you so that you can enjoy together. 🙂 Below you will find more beautiful and emotional messages of love and longing to convey to her exactly how you feel and how much you would like to be together again as soon as possible. A well-chosen message of love and longing makes as many as a hundred other declarations and messages of love. So choose it carefully.

28. In these moments it can help you to express your feelings and longing. Such a message sent to your loved one can set you free. At the same time, the longing shared by both lovers can further weld the feelings between them. So let’s not be shy and tell her how much we miss her or him.

29. It ends with me that I can’t hear you, that I can’t hear your voice. I love you and I miss you so much.

30. When I think of you, I feel like crying. I miss you so much.

31. The longing for you comes in waves. I’m drowning tonight.

32. In the end, it all comes down to who you think of last night before you fall asleep… That’s my heart.

33. No matter what I do, there is not a moment when I do not think about you. I miss you very, very much.

34. I don’t want to call you. I don’t want to text you. I want to be in your arms, to hold your hand, to hear your heart, I want to be together. I love you!

35. How can I look at you
I will say goodbye to you, I will feel lost for a while, it will hurt very badly. But, one day, I will wake up without that pain, without that pressure on my chest. And then I will know that the heart has finally healed. And then I can be happy again.

36. We are alone, we are angry, we are unfulfilled. We are all museums of fear. I need you to see the beautiful part of this thing called life.

Missing messages for your boyfriend

We women are often more emotional than men. When he is not with you for one reason or another, you feel the need to tell him how much you love him and how incredibly you miss him. A message of longing for your boyfriend will make him want you more. But it is important to dose your message well depending on the moment of the relationship you are in, not to look too sweet if you are at the beginning or too cold if you are in a stable relationship. 

37. I don’t care if I see you for 5 minutes or all night. I really want to see you.

38. I would like to appear in front of your door now and spend the whole night together. I miss you.

39. I try not to think of you, not to miss you. But in the end, you are always in my mind and soul.

40. Until I met you, I didn’t know that I could miss someone so intensely, so hard. I want to see you as soon as possible…

41. The longer you wait, the more you will appreciate that something when it happens. Because anything worth having is worth waiting for…

42. When I close my eyes, I see you. When I open them, I miss you so much.

43. I want to tell you that I am yours today, tomorrow, and forever. I didn’t know what true love was to you. I love you and I miss you so much. I can’t wait to see you again.

44. Waiting is a sign of true love and patience. We can all say: I love you, but not everyone can wait and prove their love.

45. It’s so simple, and so infinitely complicated, at the same time: I want to be with you.

46. ​​Our kisses, our hugs are everything. You gave me everything. And I offered you what was left of me, after so many struggles and unfulfilled loves. I miss you. Thanks for being mine.

47. To miss you and not be able to see you is the saddest feeling in the world. I miss you!

48. I miss you when something cool happens because I want to share it with you. But I miss you even when something upsets me, because you understand me best. I miss you when I laugh and when I cry, because laughter is happier with you and tears disappear with you. Yes, I miss you all the time. But most of all, I miss you at night when I can’t sleep thinking about you and the wonderful moments we spent together. Because they were some of the most beautiful and memorable of my life.

49. I miss you and I wonder if it happens that we sometimes think of each other at the same time. 

50. Tonight I will fall asleep thinking of you. I miss you so much!

51. How can I live without you
It’s a battle I fight every day, every moment. I miss you.

52. To be with you. That’s all I want! I love you.

53. Don’t think of me now and then, no, you live in my mind. I love you

54. I miss you in a way that changes me on the inside.

55. You feel how much
 I miss you Come back as soon as possible, I miss you so much.

56. I will wait for you as long as it takes, because I don’t want anyone else. I love you.

Here are some love and longing messages that you can send to your boyfriend or girlfriend either via SMS, Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger. There are some messages full of meaning, deep, emotional and intense. It will surely entice him to return as soon as possible if he is gone somewhere or will make him want you and love you even more. While waiting, let’s listen to a song about longing.